Carmel Post-Dissolution Legal Services
Comprehensive Legal Support for Post-Divorce Matters
Once you are divorced, you might not be free of your ex-spouse entirely. After the Decree of Dissolution is entered, you may need the court’s assistance to address asset transfer – including property, vehicles, retirement accounts, bank accounts, and more – and debt payment.
These unresolved financial issues may be brought to the attention of the court as a Post-Dissolution action. If the terms of your Decree of Dissolution and/or Marital Settlement Agreement have not been followed and you would like these provisions enforced, Carmel post-dissolution attorney Joshua R. Hains can review your options and help you resolve the matter effectively.
Call Hains Law, LLC at (317) 588-2883 today to learn more and request a free consultation.
For more information on related topics, visit our pages on contested and uncontested divorce and division of assets.
Post-Dissolution & Child Custody in Indiana
The process of deciding on child-related issues can be challenging. If you are divorced and have children, you and your ex-spouse can request the court to enforce child-related issues such as custody, parenting time/visitation, child support, special and extraordinary expenses, and tax exemptions.
A party’s failure to abide by the court’s order may result in a finding of contempt. Penalties for contempt may include jail time and attorney fees. If the other parent is ignoring your Decree of Dissolution and/or Marital Settlement Agreement, our Carmel post-dissolution attorney can help you enforce the order and hold the other parent accountable.
In addition to enforcing the Decree of Dissolution and/or Marital Settlement Agreement provisions pertaining to your children, the court may modify custody and support orders. It is important to keep in mind that absent of fraud or other circumstances, the court will not modify a division of assets and liabilities.
Consult with Hains Law, LLC Today
If find yourself in need of legal assistance after your divorce has been finalized, Hains Law, LLC can guide you through every step of the process. If you have questions or concerns about what post-dissolution entails, Attorney Joshua R. Hains is here to help.
Give us a call at (317) 588-2883 today.